Monday, November 9, 2009


The Stage is set for 2010

Now that the Democrats have approved a measure for health care reform, the stage is set for us as Black and Brown voters to kick all Senators out of office who vote against the bill. We pay for their health care and give them huge pension funds upon retirement, but they begrudge poor people even the smallest of help. Thus, all Black and Brown voters need to reward them for their service. Kick them out!

Spread the word across every state that come 365 days from now, we will do what the NAACP voters did in 1934. Every Senator--Democrat or Republican--who votes "NO" will get a pink slip and rudely told to go look for another job. Spread the word and let us get voter's revenge for the 12 months of political abuse we have suffered.

People who have no ethics and no morality should have no place in the leadership of this country. These arrogant would-be leaders, who are devoid of human decency, keep lying about what"the American people" want. They have yet to admit that there are 200 million poor and working class Americans who have been abused by twelve years of Republican arrogance and conspiracy.

Here are a few issues for which Republicans will have to give answers in 2010: (1) Did the 5 years of Bush's Iraqi war and the missing billions contribute to the deficit? (2)Did the rape by contractors like Haliburton contribute to America's financial problems? (3)Did the republican conspiracy for no government restrictions on Wall Street contribute to America's economic problems? (4)Did the economy tank under Bush and Cheney, or was it Obama's fault like Michelle Backman, Rush Limbaugh and Michael Steele tell us? (5) Did the Bush tax cuts benefit the country's economy or did it add to the deficit? Did you take money from the Insurance companies for your political campaigns?

A word to the Senate democrats. Do not let Monday-morning armchair politicians delude you that a loss will backfire on Democrats. These people are paid pundits who talk on both sides in order to keep advertising dollars for their firms. They do not live out here in the streets; and they have no idea how the average American struggles to make life for his/her family. Consider this: If the Republicans succeed in killing the health care bill, their victory will be short-lived. So they win the white house and the Congress, but their insurance buddies will fleece Americans. By the end of five years, the Republican Party will be so low in the hearts and minds of the people that they will have to literally go out and pay for votes. The worse thing that can happen to the Republican Party is a Democrat defeat on the health care vote.

Finally, Joe Lieberman has always been a Republican and should get the boot by every honest voter in the state. Even Jews in Florida have been saying it for years now . . . and the time has come.

For What its Worth . . .

Black Issachar

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