Friday, February 29, 2008


Will the Real Obama Please Stand Up!

American politics has sunk to an all time low. It appears that even the Palestinians elected Hamas without this kind of confusion, and that the Iraqis braved bombs and bullets to vote for their choice of candidates without this kind of rancor. They harbored tribal and religious hatred, but not the kind of racial hatred we find in the United States of America.

Let me get this straight. Obama is a Shiite "Iranian Agent" (according to the subscript on CNN), but he is also a Muslim with Sadaam Hussein's name and one to be feared, but he is also al Qaeda, according to inuendoes of the warm-up pundit of John McCain's campaign, but this man is not only a dangerous Muslim who supports Israel and eats with Jewish friends, but his Muslim father gave him a Hebrew name that translates "Blessed" for anyone who invokes good, thinks good thoughts about people, and does good, even for his enemies, but here is the kicker, this al Qaeda Muslim is a Christian who swears on the Christian Bible.

Won't these people give me a break. Apparently, my 190 credit hours to earn a Bachelor's degree and my two Masters degrees, and Doctorate degree was all for nothing. Please straighten me out. I'm drowning in this nonsense. I would have hoped that a McCain or Clinton Presidency would make me feel truly safe; but with such garbage as I outlined I'm really confused as to why any American would vote for either one of them.

For What it's Worth . . .

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Bigotry at its worst!

Isn't it strange that an American can get on the TV News Talk Show of Dan Abrams and denounce Barack Obama for not wearing an American Flag lapel pin and he himself was not wearing one.

Isn't strange that some woman, who seems bigoted and driven to the point beyond reason, ranted on and on that Barack Obama needs to open himself up to the American people and refused to acknowledge Dan Abrams' question about Obama/s book and his open confession of Marujuana use. These Republican John McCain supporters clearly demonstrated bigotry at its worst.

But isn't it just as strange that no-one mentions the fact that the Bill Cuunningham's outrage about Barack Obama's middle name could have been orchestrated by a McCain Campaign conspiracy along with the momentary apology and perfuse acknowledgements of sorrow for the dispicable outrage by his warm-up man. If it was conspiratorial the apology falls flat, but what better way to get back into the news with terms of endearment from the general public for his swift reaction after a week of bad press?

But what is stranger is that these enlightened people know the meaning and the significance of his middle name (since it resembles the one we invaded Iraq to hang; and since it sounds like one many terrorists have), but they don't know or won't tell you the meaning of his fiirst name. Isn't that strange? What they never studied Hebrew? How gross? How igorant and purile to sound off on one name and not the other? Don't CunninghM nd his Conservatives know that his first name is a Hebrew name found in Torah, which means "Blessed" for anyone who does, thinks, and engages in that which is good? And don't they know that anyone who would spend 20 years working for poor people does qualify as one who lives according to the characteristics of the meaning of his name?

But, alas, the Republicans who are so set on diverting attention from their 12 years of corruption and scandal, and want us to forget that we entered Iraq on a system of lies knowing that the investigators would find nothing, will do and say anything to damage and destroy. And what is worse is that they will do this and claim that its all in the game. The top job on the planet is nothing more than a game for these Republicans to control the money and the way of life , and they want to do away with "government by the people" and "for the people."

So what is fair? If Obama does not get the nomination because of these dirty tricks, I call on the millions in 30 states who voted for him to put out of office every Republican you can. Get rid of them all . . . and that should teach them a lesson. Start the organization against them right now. Vote against every Republican up for re-election, and let them feel the ire of decent Americans. And may God defend the right.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


The Clinton Spin is Misleading!

The Clinton Campaign's Manager, Kiki, seems hell-bent on spinning Obama's voting record on Iraq as the same as Hillary Clinton's. This is politics, yes! And this is the one game on the Planet in which the dirty players use a multitude of dirty tricks and misrepresentations.

So to say that Barack Obama voted the same way that Hillary Clinton did on the War in Iraq is to try to deceive the less astute American voter. How can I make this assessment? Because there was no Senator who wanted to leave the young American Soldiers without monetary support or the equipment they needed to save their lives.

Would Senator Clinton deliberately vote "No" to funding the innocent soldiers sent into Iraq by an administration, which seemed unable to think clearly or plan effectively. Would Senator Obama vote "No" to supporting America's soldiers? The answer is a resounding "No!" So why does the media allow themselves to be duped by Kiki and her cohorts and leave this half-truth out there to confuse the public? There was no American who would have deliberately leave our young soldiers in a place where dozens of people and soldiers died every day without ammunition, protection, food or other military material.

Americans need to wake up. They need to demand that the media finish all the quotes and sound-bites, read clearly all the prose, and be honest in the light of such an important event in the history of the world. This demand for honesty is crucial because the bottom line is that, if a candidate would deliberately consent to mislead the people by half-truths and conspiracy in order to get votes, she or he is not fit for the office of President of the United States.

For What it's Worth . . .

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Will Obama Be Safe?

The article with this headline is disturbing; however, only those who know the Prophecy will have the confidence to know that He who defends the "right" is watching his own from behind the scenes.

The first words out of Obama's mouth in Springfield, IL on that chill day more than a year ago was: "Giving honor to God who is the head of my life." To ordinary Americans who say that the idea of a God is ridiculous such a statement is meaningless. But to us who are believers and see that with those words Obama is a "brother" ( a real brother), we know that his safety is assured (Secret Service or no Secret Service).

Obama is only one who stands in a long line of deliverers sent on a mission to deliver the people still held in captivity. Freedom and equality are the watchwords of our nation. The One who designed this country to be a microcosm of Heaven--a place of refuge for all those oppressed by the Devil and wicked men--has raised up another Son of Issachar to carry the torch to alleviate the effects of socio-poltical slavery on ethnic minorities in the United States.

The Prophecy moves forward in its continuum, and He, whose will it is, will defend the right.

For What it's Worth . . .

Friday, February 22, 2008


Obama Brings it Just Like He Said!

"He looked Presidential" the pundit said, and another one with an erudite analysis of the debate countered, and He brought just like he promised."

It seems that after the first debate when all the world were amazed at how good Hillary was in the debate, the Obama campaign strategists lamented that he needed to do better in his debates. My man, with the quiet confidence of a man who knows what he knows and who is not easily thrown of guard by "warhawks" or their sycophants, calmly said that he would "bring it" in the fourth quarter. If Manning and the Giants did it, then the milions around the world who watched by satellite, and those in Hawaii who want to send a message to their brothers and sisters in Puerto Rico, saw our future President go long and danced through the red zone.

"Bring it" he did. So much so that the admiration on Hillary's face softened her to describe in truthful tones the plight of our young service men and women. The hand-shake, whether another ploy on the road to March 4th or not, was genuine and "sin cere" (Latin meaning without wax). The smile on her face that was forever etched into history told us that Obama
brought it just like he said.

For What it's Worth

Thursday, February 21, 2008


The Fat Lady Sings: "It's We . . . Not I"

February 21, 2008

Every night since Super Tuesday I have listened to the pundits on National TV hoping to hear words of wisdom. The CNN contributors that grabbed my attention were John King, David Gergen, and one or two others. However, the discussion on Anderson Cooper's 360 was somewhat interesting. Noone asked me, but here are my thoughts anyway.

I'd like to tell Kelli Goff that the fat lady is clearing her throat and wiping her palms. In her mind she is preparing to burst into song, which will explode into an aria of historical significance; and at the top of the crescendo she will sing: "It's 'We' not 'I' silly!"

From "day one" (Hillary Clinton, Campaign '08), for the pundits who have yet to figure it out, Barack Obama's major theme has been "we are in this together! I cannot do this by myself." In contrast, Senator Clinton has lauded and applauded herself as "ready to lead from day one." "I have 35 years of experience," and "I know what to do!"

While the pundits seemed to like this line about 35 years of experience, they did, and do, Hillary Clinton a disservice. The analysts and experts (so-called) should have told her that the 35 years of experience of doing the same things the same way is a contradiction and an eraser to the "change." How could the experts of such a multi-million dollar campaign miss something so fundamental? Unfortunately for her, the no-so-supposedly-smart voters understood that change is a far cry from experience.

Meanwhile, John McCain, the great-good-ole-boys hope, can trump all the Democrats with a shout of experience, even though that in itself may be open to question. Years as a POW, tortured and villified, and several years of doing the same things over and over and over again does not satisfy the real meaning of the word "experience."

Let me explain further for those in opposition to this revelation. Imagine a teacher who comes into the classroom on the first day of school for the first time and discovers that something works for her and the class that day. She/he continues to do it that way for the rest of the year. Then on year 2, our teacher continues to greet and teach a new class of students the same way she did in year one. At the end of the second year, how would you classify that teacher? Does she have two years of experience, or does she have one year of experience two times? Now imagine that in 24 years she never did anything new or different, but continued to teach in the same way and manner as she did the very first year. Does she have 24 years of experience, or does she have one year of experience multiplied 24 times?

Let's taske this scenario and apply it to a political representative. After serving 6 terms in the Senate, what will the voters of his/her district say? "Will ordinary hard-working voters that have lived throughout the 24 year cycle, battered by inflation and rising taxes, bruised by joblessness and downsizing, crushed beneath the rhetoric of politicians who have not missed a meal and who get automatic raises, agree that that representative who has 24 years of experience should be rehired over someone "new and fresh" with newer ideas and up-to-date methods of governance and negotiation?

You see, my reader, that was why Dr. Martin King was so successful as leader of the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) in 1956. He had not been in Montgomery long enough for the city-fathers to put him in their pockets. He was new and fresh and "uncorrupted," which made him a standout and a man that the people could follow. The history of that movement should teach us a lesson now. And besides, Obama is correct. Any politician who took POL 111 should know that "change" comes from the bottom up, not from leaders on the top down. Such was the case with King, and such is what's happening with Obama now.

Barack Obama is new ("unexperienced" by Clinton and McCain's assessment) and fresh. He does have only a few years in the Senate. But that is exactly what the voters see. That is exactly the point that the pundits and political armchair exponents miss. Obama has not been in the U. S. Senate long enough for the fathers to corrupt him, and that is why he leads a movement in which 60-70% of white voters in some states are committed to go to the mat for him.

Yes! The fat lady will sing, and even if the Super delegates go against the explicit wish of so many new millions of adherents, Obama would have opened the door wide for the movement to overun the good-ole-boy network. The dilemma is obvious. Although Hillary has good credentials, she is seen as another member of the good-ole-boy network notwithstanding the gender equation. And what is more, "It's 'we' not 'I' silly."

For What it's Worth . . .

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Republican Arrogance Will Destroy That Party

February 20, 2008

Those who called themselves "Conservatives" have gone beyond the line of moral turpitude. While they profess to be "righteous" God-fearing people, and the only ones who know how to govern, they continue to deny righteousness, and have gone so far as to hope that the people forget the "wickedness" and return them to power.

Consistently refusing to admit that the invasion of Iraq was based on a lie and for the interests of a few, Republicans have blocked every attempt to uncover the truth. Numerous investigations have been allowed to die, and every attempt to sully the name of God-fearing truth-loving Democrats have been used.

These conservative, compassionate, truth-loving moral Americans, hope that the American people forget about a number of issues, which call into question both the honesty and integrity of the leaders of the Republican Party:

(1) They hope that Americans will forget the scandal of Abramhoff and his Republican cronies.
(2) They hope that the people forget the promise of President Bush to send to jail whoever it was that "outed" Valerie Plame. This he didn't. In fact, the Republicans did just the opposite.
(3) They hope that the people would forget about the missing billions air-marked for the rebuilding of Iraq that just disappeared with no record or accounting. But these are moral people, the only ones in America who are honest and full of integrity.

(4) They hope that the American people will forget that Haliburton (whose headquarters have now been removed from the United States to somewhere near Bahrain) originally over-charged the public treasury by hundreds of millions, and in order to end the scandal they settled out of court and returned just over 1 million dollars in out-of-court settlement. But the truth is that if they were willing to settle at all proves that there was something wrong in the contract and use of public funds.

(5) They hope that a continuing war in Afghanistan will keep Americans so scared that they elect a war hero who is content to prosecute a war for a hundred years rather than work to bring about a "peace" which could last that long. But these are moral people, the only ones who knows what's best for America.

(6) These moral people, by their actions, continue to manipulate the economy and the stock market ( like JP Morgan did during the Great Depression) in order to keep hard-working Americans in "fear" of hunger and starvation. They do this in order to force the election of a President who is supposed to have "more experience" than anyone else. But these intelligent ones fail to recognize that no-one has any experience "as President" except one who has served a first term. Even a Vice-President may have some related experience, but he or she can never claim to have experience being President until s/he has spent at least one day in the office. Nevertheless, pundits will argue that this is only a technicality.

(7) The morality of the Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, is such that he deliberately distorts Senator Obama's words about bombing Pakistan in the hope that ignorant Americans will buy that rhetoric without examining the context of those words. But this is the High Road of integrity. This is the morality of these "Compassionate Conservatives" who are the only ones who knows how to "keep Americans safe, propserous, and proud." These are very good words, and if they are original with John McCain (you do the research and tell us what you find) then we are blessed to have such a man as our leader. But since the morality of the Republican Party leads them to insist that they are the only ones with impeccable morality, the question is: "Did John McCain plaigiarize Obama when he said in a very loud voice as he ended his stump speech: "I'm fired up and ready to go." Americans did not hear him cite that he was using the words of Barack Obama. So when he infers that Obama has a "confused" and base morality of "empty words," should he not be speaking about himself as well. But this is the morality of the Republican Party and its sycophants, this is the Party on the "High Road."

Perhaps, those who have Divine connections to the God, who created all men to be equal, should find out if God is behind the phenomenal rise of a reform movement led by Barak Obama. But in their arrogance, they could never imagine such a thing could be happening in America. They not only read the Scriptures, their halls are jammed to capacity with experienced politicians, experienced theologians, plus the blessings of the ruling family. In short, why shouldn't they be arrogant? Everyone knows that the Republicans will reduce spending. And everyone knows that they will not acknowledge that the financial condition of the country was due to the War in Iraq, the Haliburton dishonesty, and the waste of billions of tax-payer dollars. Besides, its the bumbling Democrats. We Republicans have been in total control of Congress for 6 years of the Clinton Administration plus 6 years of Bush 43, but its Democrats who did this in the 1 year they controlled the Senate by one vote plurality. Oh, one of those Democrats was really a Republican in disguise, and the Americans are no astute enough to count Joe Leiberman on the other side.

Republican arrogance is long and deep, and maybe God is tired of it all. Please God, rise up and lead a movement for us poor people, and please Sir, defend that side which is right.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Fidel Resigns But China Rules

February 19, 2008

For almost 50 years Fidel Castro touted the "Revolucion" in defiance to American arrogance, but today he resigned. The problem with this present-day historical entry is that most Americans are ignorant of the truth about Castro and Cuba in his political standoff with U. S. Political leaders.

The United States of America has maintained a presence in Cuba ever since the invasion in 1898 during the Spanish-American War. In contradiction to the Teller Amendment, after the war, the U. S. Congress passed the Platte Amendment, which contained an article that basically forced the new Cuban Senate to make available as much land as the U.S.A. required for its military bases. The Cubans rejected this plank in its new U.S-sponsored constitution for two years, but wilted under pressure, and in 1901 Guantanamo Bay became a reality. From then until now, the U.S. has never left Cuba. And for fifty years, Cuba was controlled by CIA-backed dictators, the last one being Fulgencio Batista, who for more than twenty-five years acted as a king-maker in Cuba.

The other side of America's control of Cuba and its mainly black and mulatto population was due to the foreign investment of the United Fruit Company and other corporations that before the War of 1898 had more than fifty million dollars invested in Cuba's sugar and tobacco crops.
The inhumane treatment by American companies soon became an irritant to young Cuban Law students of whom Fidel Castro was only one. They organized demonstrations that brought shame to Batista and his circle of friends. Offering some concessions, Batista made a deal with the student to stop their demonstrations, but Fidel and a few others distrusted the deal. They declared themselves rebels, went up into the Sierra Madres, and the "Revolucion" had begun.

During the last twenty years of Batista's dictatorial rule, Havana became the playground for America's nouveau riche, its Congressmen, and members of the mafia. Other West Indian Islands jealously referred to Cuba as the Queen of the West Indians, but they all, having similar problems with the United Fruit Company, watched with bated breath as the common people flocked to Castro's Revolution.

If we fast forward to the ticker-tape parade that Americans gave Fidel as he rode up 8th Avenue in New York City, we also see an ambitious Richard Nixon who, with an insatiable appetite for the White House, spoke into history some of the most damnable words that would design the political stalemate of the century. He told President Eisenhower that Castro, a man who had come to seek aid from the United States, was a communist. This would turn out to be one of his pet labels, but it would also seal Castro's fate, especially since many powerful people in Congress and those with huge investments in Cuba wanted the island back and under their control.

History has recorded that besides the Bay of Pigs, the CIA tried 8 times to assassinate Fidel Castro in order to take it back; and it was sometime after the second attempt that Fidel sought protection from the Soviet Union, the other world power. That was how we got to the Kennedy-Kruschev missile crisis of 1963, and the embargo that was put in place which remains to this day.

Somewhere I read a few years ago that Bush 43 recognized China, the only Communist nation remaining in the world, as the number one trading partner of the United States of America. And since he has been in power, it has been reported that China owns 1.3 trillion dollars of America's Treasury Bills. So, where are we in the history textbooks now? Castro's Revolution, which was to free poor Cubans from the tyranny of U.S. Corporations and the wealthiest Cubans, brought them nothing but grief and a 45 year old embargo maintained by America's war-hawks and continuing political rhetoric of a McCarthy-Nixon type Red Scare.

Meanwhile, the USSR and its communist ideology has dissipated since 1989, the wall is gone and the two Germany's have long re-united. North Korea is in the process of working out a deal with the United States in exchange for nuclear disarmament. China, the last of the Communist countries not only owns much of the United States by reason of its money and loans to U.S.firms, but it also enjoys status as the U.S.A's number one trading partner.

If this was fictional it would make great irony . . . but alas . . . its a diary of the lives of Cuba's poor. In the meanwhile, the sons and grandsons of those well-to-do Cubans who enjoyed percs from Batista and fled the island with their leader to Miami, live under a steady diet of political rhetoric that a Communist dictator took their parents property without reason and gave it to the people of the Revolution. But little do the one milion Cubans in Miami know that a Republican conspiracy has served to keep them isolated all these years for selfish political ends. Just as the Black vote was manipulated to vote for the Republican Party for 60 years before 1932, so the Cuban vote in Miami has been programmed since Ronald Reagan who allowed the Mariel Boat Lift for the same partisan political reason.

For What its Worth . . .

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Absurdity?: Blacks Voting Republican

The Media continues to ask ill-advised questions and tread just off the line of racial bigotry by the items they see as newsworthy.

The latest is the suggestion aired by CNN that someone said maybe blacks would be better off voting Republican. Absurd and borders on the insane.

Here are historical reasons:

(1) The Radical Republicans did push through the 13th, 14th, and 15 amendments that abolished slavery, made blacks citizens and gave them due process of law and the right to vote. But everyone should know by now that the vote was given not because they loved blacks or were intent on making them equal. The Radical Republicans gave black men the right to vote in order to control the South politically. In other words, they did by an Amendment what the South did by insisting on the 3/5ths clause before they voted for the U.S. Constitution in the first place. Both the South and the North wanted to use the Black vote for their own selfish political purposes.

(2) The new Rupblican Party of the 1930's saw President Herbert Hoover appoint a die-hard racist Judge John J. Parker to the U.S. Supreme Court. At that time, Blacks had been voting Republican solidly to the last man for 60 years The NAACP supported by white labor unions against whom this racist judge always ruled, blocked his nomination and the next congressional year turned out of office all 26 Republican Senators who backed the nomination of Judge John J. Parker. From that time on black people voted for the Democratic Party en masse as revenge. And they vote that way from then until Al Gore's 98%. Bush seduced 17% of them because misguided wealthy Blacks, who had benefited from Affirmative Action, scattered the vote. Even then, John Kerry won almost 90% of the Black Vote.

(3) The Republican Party has openly said many many many times that it is the Party of Corporate America and Big Business. They demonstrate it by defending a high tariff, even from Jefferson's time, and they consistently and continuously pass legislation that keep their coporations in the chips. And they do this by consistently cutting any social program to "reduce public spending"no matter how badly that program is needed.

(4) In twelve years of total control of Congress, they gave themselves a $13,000 plus raise three times and debated for 6 years about raising the minimum wage, finally suggesting that it be raised $1.00 over two years. But the miniute the Demoicrats got a one vote majority, every Republican Senator except the famous 14 stood strong to block every proposal; and by doing this they caused the Media to blame the Democrats and the Democratically-controlled Congress. But any idiot who has a brain to think ought to be able to understand that the blame for Congressional failures during the last year and half must be placed on the backs of the Republicans who backed Bush and would cover for Bush and Cheney even if the nation drowned in degradation.

(5) Forbes Magazine listed the top 100 wealthiest people in the United States in 2006 and stated at that time that 98% of the country's wealth was owned by 2% of the people. Assumning that this is true, it means that 5-6 million people own most of America ( the part not owned by China's 1.6 trillion or Saudi Arabia's 400 billion), and that some 294 million of us are hard- working middle to poor working class folk.

Is there a point to this you ask. A blind man can visualize it. Unless you earn more than $200,000 per year and have your home paid for, there is no way you should be voting for any Republican no matter who s/he may be. And if you are in the middle or poor-working class who earns less than that, you have no choice but to vote with the rest of us for change. For Blacks to vote Republican again . . . it's absurd.

For What it's Worth!

Monday, February 11, 2008


Si Se Puede

Black Brown Yellow Red Minorities "Our Time Has Come"

Yo creo que espanol es la mas buena lingua todo el mundo, pero necesita practica como lo demas.

As a black high school student I learned spanish at the age of ten, and since that time no hay practica. Nevertheless, suffice it to say that as a professor of U. S. History I find this whole debate, which has been sensationalized by the media, laughable and most unbelievable. The truth is that there has always been more affinity between African Americans and latinos, hispanics, and mexicanos long before the Spanish-American War in 1898. And, just in case someone wants to challenge the interaction between blacks and native Americans they should get a grip and find out all they can about York, the black slave without whom Lewis and Clark may have failed miserably, and the rest would indeed be history as we say.

Baseball players from Cuba played in the Negro Leagues in and around Tampa Florida long before Jackie Robinson was allowed to crash the racial barrier around 1947. And when white miners were harassing Asians and jumping their mining claims, they found some semblance of solace by interacting with blacks and native Anericans. The truth is that the equality in Jefferson's Declaration is just now beginning to show itself politically as the dominant right, with two oil men in the White House, continues to share billions of dollars in oil profits among themselves, while minorities and poor whites struggle for survival.

The so-called Conservative Right has so inflicted hardship on the 295 million poor and middle class of this 300 million population that even those whites who make less than $200,000 per year are feeling the pinch. So what is the point? The point is found in a phrase that resonates in all of Barack Obama's speeches: "Our time has come."

The time for which all minorities (poor whites too) have been waiting for hundreds of years in America has come. The day has dawned upon a smothered and locked-out constituency who have yet to come to an academic definition of politics. For the past 11 years, I taught my university freshmen that a working definition of the word "politics" is "the struggle for who gets what, when, and how." In other words, whoever controls the politics will control how much money or food stamps you get, and how much help you get from the hospitals and clinics. They will determine when you get it, where you have to go to get it, and how high you have to jump to get it. In short, whatever terms or limits the power structure sets that's what you will have to do to get ahead.

And now, the time has come, and with Barack Obama, we minorities get to stand up. We get to make a statement. We get to continue King's non-violent protest and force America to sign the check for the promissory note so long delayed.

I also taught my students that women could win the White House and change this country if they all vote together because there are more women involved in the political process than men. Yes, this is what I taught for 11 years . . . and they bought it . . . and many female students registered long before this contest began. But now, minorities cannot afford to vote for any candidate who may have an alliance with Corporate America. John Edwards had a very good message, but down-trodden minorities, needed something more. We needed a charismatic, passionate, well-educated politician, who could electrify a crowd with a phrase, who could bring together Americans from every corner of the spectrum, but also one who was too new for the Washington city-fathers to have corrupted, and too out-of-the loop for Corporate America and its lobbyists to have under their influence.

The pollsters say Hillary Clinton has the Latino and hispanic vote sewed up. They say, she is the heir apparent because she could get things done with Corporate America. But that's not how I read it over the past 4 months. It would be a mistake to think that Clinton has the vote in the bag. And it would be a bigger mistake to count Obama out. After all, he's leading a movement . . . a movement cut short when J. Edgar Hoover said that he did not want a "nigger" King bringing a million poor black and white people to the White House. The movement has gained momentum with a new leader, and his rallying cry is "Our time has come . . . NOW IS THE TIME AND YES . . . SI SE PUEDE." Hola mi Amigos, mira. Escuchese bien . . . con Obama si se puede . . . si se puede.

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Sunday, February 10, 2008



February 9, 2008
The pundits and pollsters still don't get it!
While they proudly proclaim that "race" is the issue in the Democratic race, citing 70% of white votes for Hillary and 82% black votes for Obama, they deliberately fail to dwell on the fact that Obama won in landslide victories in Utah, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Washington with "huge" white votes.Worse yet, in the bluest of blue states, with both Senators (women) proudly supporting the gender of their choice who was the presumptive nominee, Barack Obama racked up the widest of margins in a crushing victory.

In theological parlance, the typology of Jacob's prophecy about Issachar provides evidence for African Americans in this generation. Having come from slavery and progressed to being soldiers in the military, they moved into politics and have emerged with political "understanding of the times" and are the only ones with the answer for the divided nation. Gensis 49:14,15; Judges 5:15; I Chron. 12:32.Obama may not be the one to finally ascend the chair, but he is leading movement, which was started 40 years ago but cut short with the murder of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

In the typological sequence, the Black Leaders are the ones who are disunited in the Biblical prophecy, and whenever they get it together, the movement to heal the nation will prevail.So rather than announce the 14-18% of black votes cast for Hillary Clinton, what the pollsters should concentrate on is the 25-26% and the 68% of the white votes in Washington that clearly sensed the beginning of a new era and a new movement led by Barack Obama. And in case you don't know, his name "Barack" (also spelt "Barak") means "Blessed."

Barack Obama:"Our Time Has Come!
February 6, 2008

"Sons of IssacharA Prophetic Rationale for Obama Campaign '08
Kenneth R. Adderley

The pundits and pollsters do not get it!
Super Tuesday has come and gone and they all continue to say "We don't know where this is going." But they acknowledge grudgingly two important things: (1) that the people want change; and (2) that Obama is leading a movement. One pollster of great renown paraphrased a line from Vernon Jordan, the Black political heavyweight and personal golf-playing friend of the Clintons: "Obama's leading a movement and you can't win against a movement."What is the origin of this movement? Why is Obama surging? How did Hillary win California? These are questions that experts are asking all across the country this morning.

If we examine the last question first, it should be obvious that the Clinton campaign moved on Californians to vote by absentee ballot after New Hampshire. Banking these votes early provided the 3-400,000 votes that provided the win. After New Hampshire, voters in the West who knew nothing about Barack Obama could easily be led to vote for Clinton the Democratic front-runner for more than a year. But then after South Carolina, the movement coagulated and the Sons of Issachar began to line up according to the Bible Prophecy in I Chronicles 12:32.

The origin of this movement Mr. Jordan is prophesied thousands of years ago. Nevertheless to believe that one must be a reader of Scripture, and a believer in a Creator. The problem is that African American leaders do not know that Scripture prophesied that black voters will win the day because they are the only ones who have "understanding of the times" and know what the nation ought to do. It is the Black political leaders who are hindering the success of a God-given movement, the movement which began 40 years ago with Dr. Martin King, Jr. Whenever, the Black leaders in America get together and agree to make one man the leader, the Sons of Issachar will all line up behind their leaders and bring that event to a final conclusion. The irony of all this is that Issachar always encamped between Zebulon (Hispanics) and Naphtali (Asians) and was always able to influence these two brothers.

While we respect your long-standing friendship Mr. Jordan, and while we respect the fact that Charlie Rangel of New York is forced by reason of his state affiliation to support Hillary, the prophecy says that when these leaders who ought to have a political "understanding of the times" get it right, all the Sons of Issachar who were former slaves, and who fought bravely as soldiers in the nation's wars, will line up behind their brethren and at their command bring the nation together. It may not be Obama, he may just be the opening salvo, but thye prophecy will come to pass. And as he intimated: pollsters or no pollsters, one fact is true, "Our time has come!"

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