Thursday, April 3, 2008


McCain-Rice vs Obama-Clinton

Imagine this scenario!

The Republican's Convention is so dry because the world already knows who the nominee is that a few well-heeled Conservatives, the hidden leaders of the GOP, let it be known that unless they get some straight answers and committments to keep the pressure on in the Middle East, they will turn the Republican Presidential Campaign on its sides. In that cloudy maize of raucus backslapping, the announcer calls for silence so that John McCain, the last son of the Bush Clan, the one that Kitty Kelly forgot to write about in The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty, could make an announcement. John McCain, with the soporific whisper now overcharged to become a thundering squawk, said: "Fellow Republicans, after much consultation and cogitation, I am pleased to announce that this GOP July Surprise is being viewed by more than 100 millions. After much "cog . . . cogin . . .tation," my running mate chosen to help me carry forward our agreed agenda will be that . . . that young, eloquent, vivacious, no nonsense Condi Rice . . .?!" (A soft and scattered applause . . . the camera switches quickly to commercial followed by a former band view and excited recap by the announcer).

My Patriots . . . Democrats . . . all of us who stand in the tradition of the Anti-Federalists, fighting tooth and nail for a Bill of Rights for the people. Stand your ground! Forget Rush Limbaugh, he's a has-been. The millions of new young Democrats that Barack has brought into the Party will blow Rush's tired, aging, and soon to fade away listeners out of the water. The Tsunami wave of new voters will literally so sweep through Congress that many Republicans are even now, at this writing, trying to find ways to withstand the sweeper's broom. They are gone people. Obama's wave is prophesied to sweep them away.

Besides, Obama-Clinton could defeat McCain-Rice very simply. Obama towers over McCain in age, eloquence, and economic understanding. He blows McCain away with a better understanding of 'when and where' to use our military. But what is more important, Obama has a social conscience, McCain does not. McCain is also beholden to the Big Corporations and the Big Oil Companies of which his adopted family own shares and wells.

On the other hand, Clinton is a far better speaker than Rice. Rice may be academic, but Clinton seems to handle herself better when placed in a diplomatic setting. Rice stumbles . . . overly cautious as those searching for words for American consumption rather than speaking to the people in her presence. Clinton speaks off-the-cuff, even though she has a tendency to embellish
the truth, and then plead forgetfulness. Pound for pound, Clinton's ambition for diplomacy makes Rice's pale away in shadows. And then, by now everyone knows the truth. Truth is that we are in a recession, no matter how the leader of the Fed try to double-speak.

What is the result of all this? The GOP July Surprise will become the soggy wet and bad tasting dessert, which plainly demonstrates poor cooking and little solid ingredients.

For What it's Worth . . .


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