Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Republican Conspiracy Revealed Back in March

Today I laugh at the pundits and experts and all their analyses. These people manipulate the minds of not-so-astute American voters and play on their emotions. Below, I reprint a blog I made back on March 7th when I revealed the Republican conspiracy against Obama and their direct involvement in Democratic politics by voting for Hillary Clinton to make it seem that she is strong and electable. This conspiracy was hatched by Rush Limbaugh back in 2004 and when it became apparent that following Kerry's defeat, Hillaryy would be the Democratic Party's nominee.

For 2 years, Rush Limbaugh laqmbasted the Clintons and repeatedly harrangued listeners that he couldn't wit to embarrass the Clintons in the 2008 election. But Barack Obama happened, so the obvious strategy was to hit Barack with all kinds of negative ads and sound bytes, and last but not least, to vote for Hillary in those states like Texas where Republicans could vote in Democratic Primaries. Now, the secret has been thoroughly exposed, and I know that some Democratic voters feel extremely foolish at having been duped. This thing could have been over on Super Tuesday if it was not for the Republican conspiracy.

Read my March 7 blog for yourself and see how I predicted this conspiracy before the Media began to see the trend.

Friday, March 7, 2008

A Republican Conspiracy to Derail Obama
Political pundits and Media analysts are slow to realize what Republican conspirators are getting them to do. It has long been Rush Limbaugh’s publicly stated case that Conservatives want Hillary Clinton to be the Democratic nominee. He was touting this the month after John Kerry lost, and for the next two years that was his daily theme. Make him show the record of all his programs.Republicans want Hillary to be the nominee, so they are dumping everything against Barack Obama and are placing news items in the right places to compel the news media to speak against Obama. John McCain has attacked Barack Obama more than 3 times he has attacked Hillary Clinton. The whole thing is a conspiracy to get Barack Obama to go negative so that they can charge him with being of moral turpitude, promising one kind of campaign but running another hate one “just like what he says he wants to change.”The fact is, John McCain will get lots and lots of hundreds of millions from the well-heeled rich Conservative Republicans, but it will be in vain because he can’t win. There are too many millions more poor and middle class people, who do not earn 200,000 per year. This avalanche of working people, who feel it is time for the rich to stop it, will drown McCain and his supporters Bush 41 and 43 in a deluge of votes that will make him think he’d been hit by a tsunami.For What it's Worth . .

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