Sunday, October 19, 2008


Yes! It's Time to Fight John

John McCain is mad. His campaign is so nasty that not only has it stolen Obama's slogan about Change and tried to fool Americans with "Change is Coming!" but it has also got McCain making a fool of himself.

How stupid he looked and how hollow his lies sounded about standing up and fighting? How can 125 million Americans who have nothing stand up and fight for what he claims is truth? How can 750,000 Americans who lost their jobs this year stand up and fight with him just because "Change is Coming" to America? What kind of change will he bring when his constituency includes the 6 million rich and wealthy people who own 5 + cars to drive and 7 different homes to sleep in? How can 125 million working Americans stand up and fight with John McCain who has just recently plaigiarized the idea of "change to America" from Barack Obama?

For more than 17 months, Barack Obama has been saying that we ought to stand up and fight for the hard-working American Middle Class, whose jobs are vanishing amid Republican corruption. The difference between McCain's deception and Obama's call is a meaningless rhetoric that John McCain has coined about fighting for "country" when the truth is that it should be about fighting for "people."

The Mccain Campaign, which boasts many nasty-minded folk, think that Americans are so stupid they will not know the difference between "country" and "people." But the Spirit of Truth has already made it plain that we, the people, need to stand up and fight. One hundred and twenty-five million of us need to stand up and fight for truth against these 6 million liars who as snakes are trying to deceive us.

One hundred and twenty-five million of us need to fight against the 6 million rich and shamelessly wealthy people who lie and cheat to keep 98% of this country's wealth and degrade anyone who seek to lighten the burdens of the Middle Class.

We, one hundred and twenty-five million hard working Americans need to stand up and fight against the right-wing dictators who would take away our citizenship rights as wellas our God-given rights for food and shelter. They boast as many as "7 homes" according to Mccain speaking of what he owned while there are homless veterans living on the streets in Miami and Los Angeles.

We, one hundred and twenty-five million hard-working Americans, who do not earn $150,000 a year, need to stand up and fight and vote Democrat to the last man and woman. We need to punish all Republicans and throw the bums out of Congress. For the most part they are con-men who still want to blame Democrats for the filibuster they did in the Senate. The liars blocked every initiative the Democrats tried to enact to benefit the people, but they are so dispicable and devoid of decency that they blame the Democrats. Someone will go to Hell even if they don't go to Jail.

But the last time I checked, 125 million people were way more than 6 million. So,
let's wash these charlatans away from Washington by a Tsunami that will spread all the way across Canada to Alaska . . . and with such a high tidal wave that Putin would be able to see it from his house in Moscow.

For What it's Worth . . .


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