Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Absurdity?: Blacks Voting Republican

The Media continues to ask ill-advised questions and tread just off the line of racial bigotry by the items they see as newsworthy.

The latest is the suggestion aired by CNN that someone said maybe blacks would be better off voting Republican. Absurd and borders on the insane.

Here are historical reasons:

(1) The Radical Republicans did push through the 13th, 14th, and 15 amendments that abolished slavery, made blacks citizens and gave them due process of law and the right to vote. But everyone should know by now that the vote was given not because they loved blacks or were intent on making them equal. The Radical Republicans gave black men the right to vote in order to control the South politically. In other words, they did by an Amendment what the South did by insisting on the 3/5ths clause before they voted for the U.S. Constitution in the first place. Both the South and the North wanted to use the Black vote for their own selfish political purposes.

(2) The new Rupblican Party of the 1930's saw President Herbert Hoover appoint a die-hard racist Judge John J. Parker to the U.S. Supreme Court. At that time, Blacks had been voting Republican solidly to the last man for 60 years The NAACP supported by white labor unions against whom this racist judge always ruled, blocked his nomination and the next congressional year turned out of office all 26 Republican Senators who backed the nomination of Judge John J. Parker. From that time on black people voted for the Democratic Party en masse as revenge. And they vote that way from then until Al Gore's 98%. Bush seduced 17% of them because misguided wealthy Blacks, who had benefited from Affirmative Action, scattered the vote. Even then, John Kerry won almost 90% of the Black Vote.

(3) The Republican Party has openly said many many many times that it is the Party of Corporate America and Big Business. They demonstrate it by defending a high tariff, even from Jefferson's time, and they consistently and continuously pass legislation that keep their coporations in the chips. And they do this by consistently cutting any social program to "reduce public spending"no matter how badly that program is needed.

(4) In twelve years of total control of Congress, they gave themselves a $13,000 plus raise three times and debated for 6 years about raising the minimum wage, finally suggesting that it be raised $1.00 over two years. But the miniute the Demoicrats got a one vote majority, every Republican Senator except the famous 14 stood strong to block every proposal; and by doing this they caused the Media to blame the Democrats and the Democratically-controlled Congress. But any idiot who has a brain to think ought to be able to understand that the blame for Congressional failures during the last year and half must be placed on the backs of the Republicans who backed Bush and would cover for Bush and Cheney even if the nation drowned in degradation.

(5) Forbes Magazine listed the top 100 wealthiest people in the United States in 2006 and stated at that time that 98% of the country's wealth was owned by 2% of the people. Assumning that this is true, it means that 5-6 million people own most of America ( the part not owned by China's 1.6 trillion or Saudi Arabia's 400 billion), and that some 294 million of us are hard- working middle to poor working class folk.

Is there a point to this you ask. A blind man can visualize it. Unless you earn more than $200,000 per year and have your home paid for, there is no way you should be voting for any Republican no matter who s/he may be. And if you are in the middle or poor-working class who earns less than that, you have no choice but to vote with the rest of us for change. For Blacks to vote Republican again . . . it's absurd.

For What it's Worth!

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