Thursday, February 28, 2008


Bigotry at its worst!

Isn't it strange that an American can get on the TV News Talk Show of Dan Abrams and denounce Barack Obama for not wearing an American Flag lapel pin and he himself was not wearing one.

Isn't strange that some woman, who seems bigoted and driven to the point beyond reason, ranted on and on that Barack Obama needs to open himself up to the American people and refused to acknowledge Dan Abrams' question about Obama/s book and his open confession of Marujuana use. These Republican John McCain supporters clearly demonstrated bigotry at its worst.

But isn't it just as strange that no-one mentions the fact that the Bill Cuunningham's outrage about Barack Obama's middle name could have been orchestrated by a McCain Campaign conspiracy along with the momentary apology and perfuse acknowledgements of sorrow for the dispicable outrage by his warm-up man. If it was conspiratorial the apology falls flat, but what better way to get back into the news with terms of endearment from the general public for his swift reaction after a week of bad press?

But what is stranger is that these enlightened people know the meaning and the significance of his middle name (since it resembles the one we invaded Iraq to hang; and since it sounds like one many terrorists have), but they don't know or won't tell you the meaning of his fiirst name. Isn't that strange? What they never studied Hebrew? How gross? How igorant and purile to sound off on one name and not the other? Don't CunninghM nd his Conservatives know that his first name is a Hebrew name found in Torah, which means "Blessed" for anyone who does, thinks, and engages in that which is good? And don't they know that anyone who would spend 20 years working for poor people does qualify as one who lives according to the characteristics of the meaning of his name?

But, alas, the Republicans who are so set on diverting attention from their 12 years of corruption and scandal, and want us to forget that we entered Iraq on a system of lies knowing that the investigators would find nothing, will do and say anything to damage and destroy. And what is worse is that they will do this and claim that its all in the game. The top job on the planet is nothing more than a game for these Republicans to control the money and the way of life , and they want to do away with "government by the people" and "for the people."

So what is fair? If Obama does not get the nomination because of these dirty tricks, I call on the millions in 30 states who voted for him to put out of office every Republican you can. Get rid of them all . . . and that should teach them a lesson. Start the organization against them right now. Vote against every Republican up for re-election, and let them feel the ire of decent Americans. And may God defend the right.

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