Saturday, March 8, 2008


Crist is Not Saying All . . .

The charge that Governor Crist is a hypocrite and not saying all is making the rounds in Iowa as we speak. For two years, Rush Limbaugh and his Republicans have been planning how to defeat Hillary Clinton. They have catalogued all the Clinton's baggage from more than two dozen questionable pardons, to Marc Rich's questionable millions and the $100 million dollar fine, to Tony Rodham's questionable association with the Gregory's and the $125,000 so-called loan.

The fact that Governor Crist stolidly claims that the voters of Florida MUST be heard is hypocritical because not all the voters in Florida have been given the opportunity to vote in a fair election.

The Florida Primary was not a fair one because the DNC rules had been violated and the Florida chapter had been forewarned that they would forfeit seating. Besides that, the up-standing honest Hillary had agreed with the others not to campaign in Florida, but she violated that by what the Clinton Campaign did immediately before and after the voting.

There were 2 conspiracies: (a) the first was the Republican conspiracy to do whatever nastiness necessary to help Hillary Clinton win the Democratic nomination; and when she did they could easily beat her becaue of the baggage she carried beside being a Corporate woman; and (b) the Clinton Campaign deliberately seized on the actions of Florida and Michigan to create confusion, which would trouble the Democratic Convention in Denver.

Democratic leaders of the DNC need to be extremely careful that Governor Crist, the hypocrite, nor the Republican Media Newreporters, who do not report news but give personal opinions with only glowing reports for their female candidate--using female-oriented language--they are illogically persuaded that "the voters vote must count." Governor Crist was not saying this in 2000 when Jeb Bush was governor and it became apparent that 45,000 Jews and others in Broward and Palm Beach had voted for Liberman to be Vice-President. Neither did I hear him object to the phony felony list that Catherine Harris and Jeb Bush made up through some private firm, by which black mothers, who had never seen the inside of a courtroom were turned away en masse.

Perhaps Governor Crist has met the Savior, whose chiefest apostle did his greatest work for Truth in the Greek Isles almost 2,000 years ago. Just maybe the Governor has sin cere intentions. But just in case he has forgotten what the Latin phrase means, it means "without wax." That means that anyone who is "sincere" he or she can be held to the fire and they will not melt.

But please, will someone remind the Governor that there is a hell that will burn . . . even though its not burning now (2 Peter 3:7-11).

According to this text the whole planet will be on fire, and its at time that the universe will see if he and Hillary are sincere.

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