Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Shame Hillary: Your Slip is Showing!

Tonight the world is laughing at our great America. Two would-be leaders have embarrassed us today.

It was bad enough that after 3 years of fighting a war in Iraq, top level officials at the pentagon could not tell a British reporter the difference between a Shiite and a Sunni. What is even worse, they sent thousands of innocent, not yet gone to college, high school graduates into a war but they, themselves, did not know the importance of the Shrine of Ali and the significance of Nasiryah.

Then, too, the Republican nominee, who struts as though he is already beginning George Bush's 3rd term, showed the world how deep the ignorance is, which characterizes people who live shut-out from the world's reality. Mixing up Shi'a and Sunni, how could that be? Not one of my students over the past 7 years would get that question wrong. In fact, they laughed their heads off last year when the British reporter spread the news of the Pentagon's ignorance. What idiocy? No, what treachery? How loosely we have gamboled away our leadership capital. And now the world laughs in hysterics.

Today, on the 5th anniversary, we are told that it was noble to get rid of Sadaam because he was a bad man. But, if I remember correctly, in 1988 when Sadaam gassed the Kurds fighting for Iran against him, neither Ronald Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43, Donald Rumsfeld, nor Dick Cheney made a sound. No-one condemned Sadaam then. So, even if we found no WMDs, Sadaam was a "bad" man? By whose estimates? He wasn't considered a "bad man" in 1988, because no-one condemned him. Oh! I forgot, we went in for "regime change."

(2) In the second scenario, Hillary blames Obama for not allowing the Florida and Michigan voters to be heard. Someone should tell her that several more millions would have voted if her opponent was on the ballot. What an exercise in blatant hypocrisy? If this is what it takes to be President, I would not want to be one. And certainly, people of integrity cannot want a President so shallow either, because in the long run, she will get us into more trouble with the rest of the world. Will someone please tell her that the slip is showing . . . and nowadays, in case she hasn't heard, world leaders are not so forgiving. They talk behind your back.

For What it's Worth . . .

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