Friday, September 5, 2008


Sarah Palin: Hypocrisy or Bigotry?

The day after Sarah Palin basked in the accolades that labeled her McCain’s Barracuda, a notable GOP representative said that she is Presidential material because he saw her eating ice cream with her children and that’s the kind of thing hockey moms like, because it prooves that she likes children and are good with them. The not-so-subtle inference is that all the hockey moms, soccer moms and football moms will vote Republican because Sarah Palin is their Christian role model. Is she? Or would other words like “hypocrisy” and “bigotry” invite a deeper scrutiny to this hockey mom's Christianity?

For example, what gives Sarah Palin the right to attack Barack Obama as though he has never done or said anything of value? Christians don’t do that. Also, it seems that the Christian Sarah Palin does not care that 600,000 people lost their jobs already this year according to today’s figures; but, you know what, Obama cares. It is also evident that Sarah Palin does not care that 290 million Americans make far less than a quarter of a million ($250,000) per year; but, you know what, Obama cares. It seems that Sarah Palin does not care that hundreds of thousands of American children go to bed hungry each night, but Obama cares. Sarah Palin does not care anything about giving billions more to her oil cronies and gouging poor hard working Americans in order to do it, but Obama cares. Apparently, Sarah Palin has a different Bible from the one the rest of us use, because the Word from God’s Son named Jesus was that “inasmuch as you didn’t do it unto the least of these ye did it not to me.” What will Sarah Palin tell Jesus when He judges the world (John 5:22)? Will this Christian mom who admits to being a member of Christ's family say “John McCain made me do it?”

I ask that all true Christians, who know the Son and are filled with His Holy Spirit, to pray earnestly that God would bless Sarah Palin and grant her repentance so that if she makes the White House she would frustrate the conspiracy of those who have planned to make us slaves to a Machiavellian oligarchy. Pray for Sarah, the Christian, to be more gracious and show the kind of class only statesmen and stateswomen have. The kind of class that allows Barack Obama to ignore the pernicious attacks, talk about the issues Americans face, and still refrain from uttering one negative word against McCain’s character.

McCain and the Republicans want power, and everyone knows that Lord Acton’s thought about absolute power and corruption was correct. Sarah Palin and John McCain want the people to forget about the Abrahamoff scandal and his Republican conspirators. They want the people to forget that Halliburton charged us more than $600 for a screw and paid some 6 million dollars to avoid court trials. They want us to forget that the Republicans blatantly lied to keep thousands of Blacks from voting in Florida with a fake felony list, but they settled out of court for a million dollars 2 years later. So it is clear that our Christian mom, Sarah Palin, is Dick Chaney’s replacement, since she was tagged as the best one to control the flow of information in the McCain White House. It will be breathtaking and painfully sad to see Sarah Palin on TV pontificating to the women who were duped to vote for her and MCCain while the soccer moms beat their heads trying to figure out what to cook for starving children.

But have no fear, the intelligent Sarah Palin, who has cornered the market on all that is good and nice, is set to follow McCain and break a few dishes in Washington. But what hypocrisy? Out of his own mouth this so-called maverick acknowledged voting with Bush and for Bush’s policies 90% of the time. Does this mean that the 10% earned him the title of “maverick?” And does this mean that he and Sarah Palin will reform Washington enough so that 290 million of us working people will get a fair share of America’s pie? If not, is it bigotry? Or is it hypocrisy? Or is it both? Only Sarah Palin can answer that question because she is the new kid on the block with all the answers, especially since she has never been this way before. Even so, come Lord Jesus and bring the light which needs to shine in this dark place; or better yet, will all Christians who like TRUTH please stand up?

For What it’s Worth . . .

Black Issachar

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