Monday, September 28, 2009


Start the Voter Revenge Campaign against Anti-Obamacare Senators

Black & Brown Voters’ Revenge: The Campaign against Anti-Obamacare Senators

Sometime in the summer of 1930, according to historian Kenneth W. Goings, W.E.B.DuBois suggested that members of the NAACP campaign against all Senators who had voted for the elevation of Judge John J. Parker to the U. S. Supreme Court (Goings, 54). At issue was the fact that President Herbert Hoover had nominated Judge John J. Parker, a racist judge, to the highest court in the land. Without even a semblance of remorse for his past opinions, it was clear from court records that Parker had a distinct distaste for Negroes and always ruled against them regardless of the merits of the case before him.

Division within the NAACP was so hot with this issue that Dubois resigned as editor of the Crisis, which increased the power of Walter White as secretary of the NAACP. Robert Bagnall, director of branches assisted by others led the fight against Senator Allen of Kansas, who was one of the pro-Parker Senators. This initiative resulted in the defeat of Senator Allen, and spawned letters of congratulations from NAACP chapters across the country. This set the stage for a shift in the “nonpartisan” attitude of the NAACP, which let them know that the organization needed to adopt a more political attitude. Consequently, as cited by Goings from NAACP branch files G-224, Walter White wrote that senators who voted to confirm Judge Parker be singled out for removal from the senate. He said furthermore: “Our slogan must be: Any Negro is a traitor to his race who votes for any senator who voted for Parker.” (Goings, 59) The following election saw 26 Republican Senators thrown out of office by the NAACP with the help of labor. Black voter vengeance had been vindicated.

The time has come for Blacks in America to go back to 1932, if not to Gary, 1972. Our slogan should be “any black person who does not vote against all Republican Senators and those Democrats who vote against Obamacare should be considered a traitor to his race.” No longer can Republicans claim to be bi-partisan; and no longer should blacks and Hispanics be persuaded by the rankest of disdain and defamation as demonstrated with the vitriolic attack on both Obama and Judge Sotomayor.

The issue is clear, and Republicans have drawn the battle lines in favor of Corporate America. In Republican ideology Insurance companies and the profits of wealthy people are more important than people. These members of the GOP have advocated by their rhetoric that 290 million poor and working Americans should have no say in this country. Every distasteful argument has been used to delay and confuse the benefits of Healthcare reform; and every hateful and insulting caricatures have been displayed with tacit approval. Thus, we are left to conclude that if it is left up to Republican Senators like Grassley of Iowa, the corporations should be left alone to determine our destiny. Maybe some day someone will sponsor a bill to take away free healthcare from Congress persons, reduce their exorbitant pensions, and put them on Medicare.
Almost 40 years ago Black political thought was seriously divided in Gary, and the hopes for a Black Political Party never materialized. Yet, Biblical prophecy makes it clear that black Americans, as descendants or former slaves, are the only ones with the political understanding of the times to know what the nation ought to do. Consequently, it seems that the time has come for Blacks to exact voters’ revenge for all the more than 100 years of political double-talk, denigration, defamation and nastiness of the Republican Party.

Consider the history:

(1) 1866 – The Memphis Police Race Riot in which white policemen murdered 46 blacks, burned down 94 homes, 4 churches, and 12 schools, besides stealing more than $2,000 from the families of black soldiers, and raping 6 black women. It was this massacre that prompted the Republicans to pass the 14th and 15th amendments. But the main focus was so they could use black votes to control Congress.

(2) 1877 – The Compromise of 1877 in which the Republican Party sold out the interests of black Americans into a worse peonage than slavery even though they had given them the right to vote forbidden them to own land, and was capitalizing off that vote. Even so, Blacks voted Republican for 60 years and supported the Republican Party until after the Parker fight.

(3) 1932-34 – Because Herbert Hoover nominated a southern racist, Judge John J. Parker to the U. S. Supreme Court, African Americans switched their voting habits from Republican to Democrat. It was better they said to vote for a known evil than to be stabbed in the back by hypocrite Republicans.

(4) 1948 – Even though Black soldiers returning from WWII where they fought to liberate white people were lynched while wearing their uniforms, Blacks voted in record numbers to elect Harry Truman. History shows that Black votes in key northern states were responsible for Truman’s victory. It was due to the threat of defeat that the Democratic Party adopted a strong pro-civil rights stance.

(5) 1963 – Because Senator John Kennedy made an attempt to console the late Coretta Scott King during the wrongful arrest and imprisonment of Dr. Martin Luther King that African Americans voted overwhelmingly to elect the first Roman Catholic President to office. The 118,000 votes by which Kennedy won were decidedly black votes.

(6) 2000 – Blacks were smarting under the Gingrich’s Contract with America and the hurt began by the Reagan presidency. Clinton had been forced to comply with a Republican-controlled Congress and wound up taking the blame for misdirection in Foreign policy. In addition, the Republican controlled Congress scuttled the debate on Healthcare before it really began. Thus, they were determined to elect Al Gore. The world knows that Al Gore got more than a half million more popular votes than Bush 43, but the Republican juggernaut led by James Baker of the former Bush administration played a scripted political conspiracy to elect George Bush despite the preference of the American voter. In a vote of 5 to 4 across party lines the Supreme Court justices handed the presidency to George W. Bush.

(7) 2004 – Determined to stop the Republican conspiracy to deal fraudulently with black votes, an all-out campaign was waged to ferret out Conservative conspiracies. It became obvious very early in the campaign that the Republicans were facing an uphill battle. To counter an oncoming defeat, Jeb Bush, brother to the candidate, and Katherine Harris, the intimidating Secretary of State, hired a private firm to compile a list of felons, with the express purpose of denying them the right to vote in accordance with Florida Law. The problem is that the felonious Florida felony list contained some 5,000 names of blacks who had never even seen the inside of a court room. The result was that people were systematically denied the privilege granted them by the 15th Amendment of 1868. The distasteful cut of all was that the Bush campaign, advised by James Baker of the previous campaign, settled the matter out of court with a settlement of one million dollars. Unfortunately, as is usually the case, this news was hidden away in the back pages of most newspapers.

(8) In 2008, determined to thwart any conspiracy from any where, every effort was made by Democrats and a multitude of young College and University students to police the polls. Many enthusiasts reported conspiracies by computer manufacturers who programmed computers to tally votes for Republican candidates instead of the Democrats actually chosen by the voters. Despite all the watch-dog tactics, Ohio became a battle ground where some polls closed early, and others did not have sufficient ballots for the overwhelming numbers of voters. Nevertheless, the people elected Barack Obama, the bi-racial son of a white mother and black father.

(9) The immediate onslaught and venom of Conservative talk show hosts, the despicable disrespect for a Black president by Republican leaders, their open call for public disruption of town hall debates on healthcare reform, the subtle subliminal suggestion that it was okay to carry guns to meetings attended by thousands of people, and the open suggestion of another “tea party revolution” clearly demonstrated that the Republican Party does not have the kind of leadership that should be entrusted with any public office. There is not one man among them that has the kind of integrity of which great leaders are made. Any public figure that can sit by and remain silent in the face of the abuse heaped upon President Barack Obama is not worthy to be called a human being much less a leader of people. Common decency and human courtesy demands adherence even to Law and the presupposition that “all men were created equal.”
Because of the foregoing, all Blacks and Browns who vote for a Republican in 2010 or 2012 ought to be ostracized as a traitor to the cause of ‘We the People’.

The bottom line for you, the reader is clear. Unless you take home $250,000 this year, you have no business even thinking about a Republican candidate, because they have no integrity and have no compassion for people who, not only pay their salary, but people who are always left holding the blank checks of the economy. And to blame an Administration or its policies after only 6 months in office is to further demonstrate the callous disregard they have for the truth. Our position is clear: “Let none of us give one vote to a Republican candidate . . . not now . . . not ever!”

Black Professor

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